I own
by bailey89
341 items
Accessories Stand (White)
Antique Chair (Natural)
Antique Clock (Natural)
Antique Console Table (Natural)
Antique Mini Table (Black)
Antique Phone (Brown)
Antique Vanity (Natural)
Autograph Cards (Words of wisdom / Musician's signature)
Ball (Dodgeball)
Ball (Soccer ball)
Ballet Slippers (Blue)
Bamboo Sphere (Smoke-cured bamboo)
Barbecue (Black)
Bathroom Sink (White)
Beach Ball (Blue)
Beach Chair (Pink)
Beach Chair (Yellow)
Bone Doorplate (Natural wood)
Box Sofa (Orange)
Box Sofa (Pink)
Candle (Silver)
Celebratory Candles (White)
Champion's Pennant (Black)
Cherry-blossom Clock (Pink-white)
Classic Pitcher (Artistic)
Classic Pitcher (Fruits)
Classic Pitcher (Simple)
Classic Pitcher (Sky blue)
Classic Pitcher (Yellow amber)
Claw-foot Tub (Black)
Claw-foot Tub (Pink)
Claw-foot Tub (Yellow)
Clothesline Pole (Blue / Plain)
Cone (Caution stripes)
Cone (Green stripes)
Corkboard (Blue / Flower)
Cushion (Alphabet)
Cushion (Floral)
Cushion (Paisley)
Cushion (Pop)
Cushion (Rainbow colors)
Cute Tea Table (Blue)
Cute Tea Table (Red)
Cute Tea Table (Yellow)
Desk Mirror (Blue)
Desk Mirror (Red)
Digital Alarm Clock (Light blue)
Digital Alarm Clock (White)
Diner Counter Table (Aquamarine)
Diner Neon Sign (Orange)
Diner Sofa (Red)
Diner Sofa (Yellow)
Dish-drying Rack (Yellow)
Drum Set (Rose pink / Smooth white)
Elaborate Kimono Stand (Balls)
Elaborate Kimono Stand (Hawk)
Elaborate Kimono Stand (Tree peonies)
Elaborate Kimono Stand (Wisteria)
Elephant Slide (Pink)
Essay Set (Blank)
Essay Set (Writer's block)
Exercise Ball (White)
Exit Sign (Left and right arrows)
Fan Palm (Brown)
Fan Palm (Red)
Fish Print (Red snapper)
Fishing-rod Stand (Natural)
Flashy-flower Sign (Elegant)
Floor Sign (No Parking)
Floral Swag (Blue)
Floral Swag (White)
Folding Chair (Brown)
Foosball Table (Blue)
Fragrance Sticks (Black)
Frozen-treat Set (Chocolate mint)
Frozen-treat Set (Citrus)
Frozen-treat Set (Kiwifruit)
Frozen-treat Set (Soda)
Frozen-treat Set (Vanilla & chocolate)
Frying Pan (Empty)
Garden Lantern (Bronze)
Gong (Red)
Hamster Cage (Red)
Hanging Scroll (Brown / Calligraphy)
Hanging Scroll (Brown / Mountains)
Harp (White)
Heart Doorplate (Blue)
Heart Doorplate (Green)
Hourglass (Brown)
Imperial Bed (Black)
Imperial Dining Table (Brown)
Imperial Partition (Brown)
Iron Garden Chair (Blue)
Iron Garden Table (Blue)
Ironwood Low Table (Oak)
Knife Block (Black)
Lantern (Red)
Lantern (Yellow)
Lawn Mower (Blue)
Life Ring (Orange)
Lighthouse (Blue)
Loft Bed With Desk (Pink / White)
Low Screen (Brown / Fall)
Low Screen (Brown / Winter)
Low Screen (Dark brown / Spring)
Low Screen (Dark brown / Summer)
Low Screen (Dark brown / Winter)
Mama Bear (Checkered)
Microwave (Red)
Mini Fridge (Red)
Mixer (Bananas)
Mug (Yellow / Carrot)
Mug (Yellow / Cheese)
Mug (Yellow / Fish)
Mug (Yellow / Plain)
Neutral Corner (Green)
Party Garland (Pop)
Pedal Board (Pink)
Pennant (Classic)
Pet Bed (Dark brown / White)
Pet Food Bowl (Blue)
Pet Food Bowl (Green)
Piano Bench (Brown)
Piano Bench (Green)
Plain Sink (Dark wood)
Plain Sink (White wood & tile)
Plastic Pool (Pink)
Poolside Bed (Dark brown / White)
Pop-up Toaster (Yellow)
Popcorn Machine (Green)
Portable Record Player (Green)
Pot (Beige)
Pot (Black)
Pot (Gray)
Pot (White)
Potted Ivy (Green)
Potted Ivy (Red)
Pro Tape Recorder (Black)
Protein Shaker Bottle (Strawberry flavored)
Public Bench (Green & orange)
Public Bench (Red)
Rattan End Table (Gray)
Rattan End Table (White)
Rattan Stool (Gray)
Rattan Towel Basket (White)
Rattan Vanity (Gray)
Rattan Vanity (White)
Rattan Wardrobe (Light brown)
Record Box (Green)
Retro Fan (Green)
Scary Painting (Fake)
Screen (Dragon)
Sewing Machine (Black)
Sewing Project (Yellow)
Shaded Floor Lamp (White)
Shower Set (Black)
Simple Kettle (Blue)
Simple Kettle (Green)
Spider Doorplate (Yellow)
Stand Mixer (Yellow)
Starry Garland (Yellow)
Stovetop Espresso Maker (Red)
Study Chair (Dark brown / Yellow)
Sturdy Sewing Box (Black)
Surfboard (Cool)
Synthesizer (Blue)
System Kitchen (Yellow)
Tea Set (Blue / Yellow)
Tea Set (Red / Yellow)
Tea Set (White / Yellow)
Tea Table (Natural wood)
Terrarium (Black)
Throwback Hat Table (Black & orange)
Throwback Hat Table (White & red)
Throwback Wrestling Figure (Black)
Throwback Wrestling Figure (Blue)
Throwback Wrestling Figure (Pink)
Traditional Tea Set (Floral)
Tricycle (Black)
Tricycle (Yellow)
Typewriter (Green)
Unglazed Dish Set (Deep blue)
Unglazed Dish Set (Modern)
Unglazed Dish Set (Oribe-style)
Unglazed Dish Set (Patterned)
Unglazed Dish Set (Powder white)
Ventilation Fan (Pink)
Wooden Bookshelf (Dark brown)
Wooden Table (Light wood / Orange)