Wish list 1
by juroful
This is my wish list of mostly diys I have yet to find :)
32 items
Bamboo Candleholder (Recipe)
Bamboo Stopblock (Recipe)
Birdcage (Recipe)
Cherry-blossom Bonsai (Recipe)
Cherry-blossom Pochette (Recipe)
Crescent-moon Chair (Recipe)
Decayed Tree (Recipe)
Front-tie Tee (Black)
Green Bamboo Fence (Recipe)
Hyacinth Lamp (Recipe)
Leaf Stool (Recipe)
Log Stool (Recipe)
Log Wall-mounted Clock (Recipe)
Maple-leaf Pochette (Recipe)
Mush Lamp (Recipe)
Mush Log (Recipe)
Mush Low Stool (Recipe)
Mush Partition (Recipe)
Mush Table (Recipe)
Mush Wall (Recipe)
Mushroom Wand (Recipe)
Scorpio Lamp (Recipe)
Senmaizuke Barrel (Recipe)
Shellfish Pochette (Recipe)
Stacked Bottle Crates (Recipe)
Stacked Fish Containers (Recipe)
Star Head (Recipe)
Star Pochette (Recipe)
Tall Lantern (Recipe)
Water Pump (Recipe)
Wooden Bookshelf (Recipe)
Wooden Box (Recipe)