Furniture Catalogue
by nepptoon
852 items
Accessories Stand (Black)
Accessories Stand (Light blue)
Accessories Stand (Pink)
Accessories Stand (White)
Air Circulator (Yellow)
Air Conditioner (Black)
Aluminum Briefcase (Stacks of cash)
Amp (Blue)
Anthurium Plant (Black)
Anthurium Plant (Brown)
Anthurium Plant (Light blue)
Anthurium Plant (Pink)
Antique Bed (Black)
Antique Bed (Brown)
Antique Bureau (Black)
Antique Bureau (Natural)
Antique Chair (Black)
Antique Chair (Brown)
Antique Clock (Brown)
Antique Console Table (Black)
Antique Console Table (Brown)
Antique Mini Table (Black)
Antique Mini Table (Brown)
Antique Vanity (Black)
Antique Vanity (Brown)
Antique Wardrobe (Black)
Antique Wardrobe (Brown)
Arcade Seat (Red)
Autograph Cards (Signature / Musician's signature)
Automatic Washer (Black)
Automatic Washer (Pink)
Automatic Washer (Yellow)
Baby Bear (Checkered)
Baby Bear (Cream)
Baby Chair (Green / Bear)
Ball (Volleyball)
Barbecue (White)
Basic Teacher's Desk (Standard)
Basic Teacher's Desk (Wooden)
Basketball Hoop (Green)
Bathroom Sink (Beige)
Bathroom Sink (Black)
Bathroom Sink (White)
Bathroom Towel Rack (Gold)
Bathroom Towel Rack (Silver)
Beach Ball (Red)
Beach Ball (Watermelon)
Beach Chair (Black)
Beach Chair (White)
Beach Chair (Yellow)
Board Game (Simple path game)
Book Stands (Black)
Book Stands (Colorful)
Book Stands (Pastel)
Box Corner Sofa (Black)
Box Corner Sofa (Yellow)
Box Sofa (Black)
Box Sofa (Orange)
Box Sofa (Turquoise)
Broom And Dustpan (Colorful)
Broom And Dustpan (Natural)
Bunk Bed (Blue / White)
Camp Stove (Yellow)
Camping Cot (Simple pattern)
Candle (Black)
Candle (Copper)
Candle (Gold)
Candy Machine (Blue)
Cartoonist's Set (Black / Blank)
Cassette Player (Green)
Cat Grass (Pink)
Cat Grass (White)
Cat Tower (Pink)
Celebratory Candles (Blue)
Cello (Black)
Cello (Natural)
Champion's Pennant (Red)
Changing Room (Blue / White)
Changing Room (Brown / White)
Chessboard (Black)
Claw-foot Tub (Pink)
Claw-foot Tub (Red)
Claw-foot Tub (White)
Clothes Closet (Black)
Clothesline Pole (Blue / Plain)
Clothesline Pole (Silver / Plain)
Coffee Cup (Plain)
Coffee Cup (Rose)
Colorful Wheel (Colorful numbers)
Cone (Red)
Cone (White)
Cone (Yellow)
Cooler Box (Red)
Cooler Box (Yellow)
Cordless Phone (Pink)
Cordless Phone (White)
Corkboard (Blue / Apple)
Corkboard (White / Apple)
Cotton-candy Stall (Black)
Cream And Sugar (White)
Cuckoo Clock (Natural)
Cute Chair (Blue)
Cute Chair (White)
Cute Diy Table (Blue)
Cute Diy Table (White)
Cute Floor Lamp (Blue)
Cute Floor Lamp (Red)
Cute Music Player (Blue)
Cute Music Player (White)
Cute Tea Table (Red)
Cute Vanity (Blue)
Cute Vanity (White)
Cute Wall-mounted Clock (Yellow)
Cute Wardrobe (White)
Cypress Bathtub (Light wood)
Cypress Plant (Brown)
Cypress Plant (Yellow)
Dala Horse (Blue)
Deluxe Washer (White)
Den Chair (Black)
Den Chair (Red)
Den Chair (White)
Den Desk (Dark wood)
Desk Mirror (Blue)
Desk Mirror (Gold)
Desk Mirror (Pink)
Digital Alarm Clock (Orange)
Digital Scale (Black / White)
Diner Chair (Black)
Diner Counter Chair (Cream)
Diner Counter Table (Black)
Diner Counter Table (Cream)
Diner Counter Table (Pink)
Diner Mini Table (Black)
Diner Mini Table (Red)
Diner Neon Sign (Purple)
Diner Sofa (Cream)
Diner Sofa (Red)
Director's Chair (Dark brown / Natural white)
Director's Chair (Light brown / Natural white)
Dish-drying Rack (Black)
Dish-drying Rack (Blue)
Dj's Turntable (Brown)
Dj's Turntable (Pink)
Dj's Turntable (White)
Double-door Refrigerator (Black)
Double-door Refrigerator (White)
Double-sided Wall Clock (Red)
Double Sofa (Black)
Double Sofa (Blue)
Double Sofa (Dark brown)
Double Sofa (White)
Drink Machine (Pink / Cute)
Drum Set (Golden yellow / Smooth white)
Drum Set (Rose pink / Smooth white)
Drying Rack (Black)
Drying Rack (Ivory)
Drying Rack (White)
Effects Rack (Black)
Elaborate Kimono Stand (Balls)
Elaborate Kimono Stand (Hawk)
Elaborate Kimono Stand (Wisteria)
Electric Bass (Natural wood)
Electric Guitar (Cherry)
Electric Kick Scooter (Blue)
Electric Kick Scooter (Red)
Electric Kick Scooter (White)
Elephant Slide (Light blue)
Elephant Slide (White)
Espresso Maker (Green)
Espresso Maker (Yellow)
Exercise Ball (Blue)
Exercise Ball (Pink)
Exercise Ball (White)
Exercise Bike (Black)
Exit Sign (Left arrow)
Fancy Violin (Natural)
Fax Machine (Red / Document)
Fax Machine (White / Document)
Fireplace (Dark brown)
Fireplace (White)
Fish Doorplate (Green)
Fish Print (Carp)
Fishing-boat Flag (Marufukumaru - Bounty)
Fishing-boat Flag (Nintenmaru - Big Catch)
Flashy-flower Sign (Cute)
Flashy-flower Sign (Elegant)
Floating-biotope Planter (Artistic)
Floating-biotope Planter (Black)
Floating-biotope Planter (White)
Floor Lamp (Black / White)
Floor Lamp (Natural / White)
Floor Lamp (White / White)
Floor Light (Green)
Floor Light (Purple)
Floor Light (Red)
Floor Seat (Black / Pale grass green)
Floor Seat (Dark wood / Pale grass green)
Floor Seat (Natural / Pale grass green)
Floor Sign (No Entry)
Folding Chair (Blue)
Folding Chair (Green)
Folding Floor Lamp (Black)
Folding Floor Lamp (Blue)
Foosball Table (Brown)
Formal Paper (Brown)
Fortune-telling Set (Black)
Fragrance Diffuser (Green)
Fragrance Diffuser (White)
Fragrance Diffuser (Yellow)
Fragrance Sticks (Blue)
Fragrance Sticks (Green)
Freezer (Beige)
Garbage Bin (White)
Garden Faucet (Stainless)
Garden Gnome (Laid-back gnome)
Gas Range (Black)
Gas Range (Red)
Gas Range (Silver)
Gas Range (White)
Globe (Sepia)
Globe (Standard)
Golf Bag (Multicolor)
Grand Piano (Black)
Hammock (Black / Colorful)
Hammock (Brown / Colorful)
Hammock (White / Colorful)
Hamster Cage (Blue)
Handcart (Black)
Handy Water Cooler (Yellow)
Hanging Scroll (Green / Calligraphy)
Harp (Brown)
Harp (White)
Hose Reel (Silver)
Hourglass (Black)
Hourglass (Natural)
Humidifier (Natural)
Imperial Bed (Blue)
Imperial Bed (Red)
Imperial Chest (Blue)
Imperial Chest (Red)
Imperial Decorative Shelves (Black)
Imperial Dining Lantern (Gold)
Imperial Dining Table (Red)
Imperial Low Table (Black)
Imperial Partition (Black)
Imperial Partition (Brown)
Imperial Partition (Red)
Incense Burner (Cherry blossoms)
Incense Burner (Deep sea)
Incense Burner (Sandalwood)
Incense Burner (Tea)
Inflatable Sofa (Camouflage)
Ironing Board (Stripes)
Kimono Stand (Checkered)
Kitchen Island (Black)
Kitchen Island (Silver)
Kitchen Island (White)
Knife Block (Natural)
Knife Block (Silver)
Lantern (Blue)
Lantern (Green)
Laptop (Pink / Desktop)
Lawn Chair (Green)
Lawn Mower (Blue)
Lcd Tv (20 In.) (Blue)
Lcd Tv (50 In.) (Black)
Lecture-hall Bench (Dark brown)
Lecture-hall Desk (Light brown)
Life Ring (Red)
Life Ring (Yellow)
Lifeguard Chair (Blue)
Light Switch (Gray)
Loft Bed With Desk (Natural / White)
Loft Bed With Desk (Orange / White)
Loft Bed With Desk (White / White)
Long Bathtub (Black marble)
Long Bathtub (White)
Long Bathtub (White marble)
Low Screen (Brown / Plain)
Magic Kit (Blue)
Magnetic Knife Rack (Pop)
Magnetic Knife Rack (Wooden)
Mama Bear (Caramel mocha)
Mama Bear (Cream)
Mama Bear (Floral)
Menu Chalkboard (Natural)
Menu Chalkboard (Red)
Microscope (White)
Microwave (Black)
Microwave (Green)
Microwave (White)
Mini Fridge (White)
Mini Fridge (Wood grain)
Mixer (Carrots)
Mixer (Green smoothie)
Mixer (Tomatoes)
Mobile (Gorgeous)
Mobile (Hot air balloons)
Mobile (Space)
Modern Office Chair (Blue)
Modern Office Chair (Green)
Modern Office Chair (Pink)
Monstera (Black)
Monstera (Blue)
Monstera (White)
Mug (Blue / Plain)
Mug (Turquoise / Plain)
Nail-art Set (Pink)
Office Desk (White)
Old Sewing Machine (Black)
Outdoor Bench (White / White)
Outdoor Table (Blue / White)
Painting Set (White / Blank)
Pants Press (Brown)
Papa Bear (Choco)
Papa Bear (Cream)
Papa Bear (Tweed)
Paper Lantern (Dark wood / Plain)
Paper Lantern (Natural wood / Plain)
Pet Bed (Natural / White)
Pet Bed (White / White)
Pet Food Bowl (Orange)
Pet Food Bowl (Pink)
Phone Box (Black)
Piano Bench (Red)
Picnic Basket (Gray)
Plastic Canister (Blue)
Plastic Pool (Polka dots)
Pool (Gray)
Poolside Bed (Brown / White)
Pop-up Toaster (White)
Popcorn Machine (Pink)
Popcorn Machine (Red)
Portable Radio (Green)
Portable Radio (Red)
Portable Record Player (Black)
Portable Record Player (Blue)
Portable Record Player (Orange)
Portable Record Player (Red)
Pot Rack (Stainless steel)
Pot Rack (Wooden)
Pro Tape Recorder (Brown)
Protein Shaker Bottle (Plain)
Public Bench (Monotone)
Pull-up-bar Stand (Blue)
Punching Bag (Red)
Rattan Armchair (Brown)
Rattan Armchair (White)
Rattan Bed (Black)
Rattan Bed (Brown)
Rattan End Table (Brown)
Rattan End Table (Gray)
Rattan End Table (Reddish brown)
Rattan End Table (White)
Rattan Low Table (Brown)
Rattan Stool (Brown)
Rattan Stool (Light brown)
Rattan Table Lamp (Brown)
Rattan Towel Basket (Brown)
Rattan Towel Basket (White)
Rattan Vanity (Light brown)
Rattan Vanity (White)
Rattan Wardrobe (Brown)
Rattan Waste Bin (Black)
Rattan Waste Bin (Brown)
Rattan Waste Bin (Light brown)
Rattan Waste Bin (White)
Record Box (Gray)
Refrigerator (Black)
Refrigerator (White)
Retro Gas Pump (White / Yellow oil)
Revolving Spice Rack (Brown)
Revolving Spice Rack (White)
Rock Guitar (Cool blue)
Rock Guitar (Sunburst)
Rocket Lamp (Blue)
Rocket Lamp (Green)
Rocket Lamp (Red)
Rocket Lamp (Yellow)
Rotary Phone (Black)
Rotary Phone (Green)
Safe (Black)
Sand Castle (Natural sand)
School Chair (Gray & blue)
School Chair (Light brown & black)
School Chair (Natural & silver)
School Desk (Light brown & black)
Screen (Dragon)
Screen (Plum)
Serving Cart (Red)
Sewing Machine (Black)
Sewing Machine (Pink)
Sewing Machine (White)
Sewing Project (Black)
Sewing Project (Pink)
Shaded Floor Lamp (Blue)
Shaded Floor Lamp (Lime)
Shaded Floor Lamp (White)
Shaded Floor Lamp (Yellow)
Shaved-ice Maker (Green)
Shower Booth (Black)
Shower Booth (White)
Shower Set (Black)
Shower Set (Gold)
Shower Set (Silver)
Simple Kettle (Black)
Simple Kettle (Navy blue)
Simple Kettle (Red)
Simple Kettle (White)
Simple Panel (Black / Plain panel)
Simple Panel (Copper / Plain panel)
Simple Panel (Gold / Plain panel)
Simple Panel (Light brown / Plain panel)
Simple Panel (Light gray / Plain panel)
Sleeping Bag (Red)
Smoker (Black)
Snack Machine (Black)
Soft-serve Lamp (Chocolate swirl)
Soup Kettle (Corn soup)
Soup Kettle (Green curry)
Speed Bag (Red)
Springy Ride-on (Zebra)
Stadiometer (Blue)
Stadiometer (Gray)
Stand Mixer (Pink)
Stovetop Espresso Maker (Black)
Stovetop Espresso Maker (Red)
Street Organ (Blue)
Street Organ (Natural)
Studio Spotlight (White)
Studio Wall Spotlight (Green)
Study Chair (Dark brown / Yellow)
Study Desk (Dark brown)
Sturdy Sewing Box (Brown)
Sturdy Sewing Box (Navy blue)
Surfboard (Brown)
Surfboard (Red)
Surfboard (Stripes)
Synthesizer (Silver)
System Kitchen (Brown)
System Kitchen (Off-white)
Table Lamp (White)
Table Setting (Pink / White)
Table Setting (White / White)
Tankless Toilet (Black)
Tankless Toilet (Ivory)
Tape Deck (Black)
Tape Deck (Silver)
Tape Deck (White)
Tapestry (Snow)
Tatami Bed (Black)
Tea Set (Green / Yellow)
Tea Set (Red / Yellow)
Throwback Container (Light blue)
Throwback Gothic Mirror (Black)
Throwback Mitt Chair (Red)
Throwback Rocket (Green)
Throwback Rocket (Silver)
Throwback Skull Radio (Green)
Throwback Wrestling Figure (Black)
Throwback Wrestling Figure (Pink)
Tissue Box (Natural wood)
Tissue Box (Red)
Toilet (White)
Toilet-cleaning Set (Monotone)
Tool Cart (Pink)
Tool Cart (Red)
Tool Shelf (Black)
Tool Shelf (Green)
Tool Shelf (White)
Toolbox (Red)
Tourist Telescope (Blue)
Toy Box (Green)
Toy Box (Pink)
Train Set (Fall)
Train Set (Spring)
Treadmill (White)
Tricycle (Blue)
Typewriter (Brown)
Typewriter (Green)
Unfinished Puzzle (Sunset)
Upright Locker (Black)
Upright Locker (Silver)
Upright Locker (Yellow)
Upright Piano (Maple)
Upright Piano (Walnut)
Upright Vacuum (Pink)
Upright Vacuum (Silver)
Vacuum Cleaner (Yellow)
Ventilation Fan (Pink)
Wall Clock (Silver)
Wall Fan (Green)
Wall-mounted Candle (Black)
Wall-mounted Phone (Black)
Wall-mounted Phone (White)
Wall-mounted Tool Board (Black)
Wall-mounted Tool Board (White)
Wall-mounted Tv (20 In.) (Light blue)
Wall-mounted Tv (50 In.) (Red)
Wall-mounted Tv (50 In.) (White)
Water Cooler (White)
Whiteboard (Sales meeting)
World Map (Pacific Ocean)
Yucca (White)