March 2024
by wondercass
If Cyrus is able to customize any of these items, then I do not need the pink versions.
40 items
Afternoon-tea Set (White)
Analog Kitchen Scale (Pink)
Bistro Table (White & Pink)
Capsule-toy Machine (Pink)
Cave (Mossy)
Changing Room (Pink / Black)
Clothes Closet (Pink)
Compact Kitchen (Pink)
Cosmos Shower (Recipe)
Covered Counter (Pink)
Crane Game (Pink)
Crescent-moon Chair (Pink)
Cute Sofa (White)
Cute Tea Table (White)
Cute Vanity (White)
Dessert Case (Pink tile)
Elegant Lamp (Pink & Blue roses)
Elegant Sofa (Pink & Blue roses)
Fancy Bathroom Vanity (Cute)
Flower Display Case (White)
Flower Stand (Recipe)
Frozen-drink Machine (Cute)
Fruit Cupcakes (Recipe)
Fruit Wreath (Recipe)
Garden Bench (Recipe)
Giant Vine (Recipe)
Glowing-moss Pond (Recipe)
Hyacinth Lamp (Recipe)
Ice-cream Display (Pink stripes)
Infused-water Dispenser (Recipe)
Juicy-apple Tv (Green apple)
Midsized Clothing Rack (Pastel & Cute clothes)
Milk-glass Lamp (Pink)
Moroccan Footrest (Pink)
Peacock Chair (Pink)
Plain Wooden Shop Sign (Recipe)
Plastic Bench (Pink)